Arbutus Medical

Case Study: Engaging The Stakeholders With An Effective Story To Help The World

Case Study: Engaging The Stakeholders With An Effective Story To Help The World

Communicating the WHY to those who NEED the product is a Science.

A great new patent is no good unless the world adopts it. Arbutus Medical’s new product delivers surgical grade drills to hospitals, veterinarians & NGOs at a fraction of the cost with much more availability. We re-vamped their website from head to toe to convey the life-saving benefits of their revolutionary patent.

Check Out The Website Design


Modernizing The Branding

A corporate identity starts with a solid foundation of branding. Our design team provided Arbutus Medical with the facelift needed to align them with the visionary mission they were embarking on to bring a fresh new approach to an age-old problem in the medical world.

The resulting brand guideline embodies their commitment to innovation, research & excellence in the medical devices industry.

Text about branding

Planet Ventures was in need of a updated branding design to match their redirected vision for the company. With a custom illustrated icon and unique font, Planet Ventures now portrays a sleek and futuristic logo that is both detailed and minimal. This created a professional and modern brand that better communicates their focus as an investment issuer for disruptive companies.

Conceptualizing the brand from the ground up

More than just photos & captions – We Perfected Their Story

Arbutus Medical’s drill cover system solves a major problem in the operating room at a fraction of the cost, and we made sure everybody can see it clearly.

Hand-illustrated diagrams and mindfully crafted layouts combined to get the core message across quickly & effectively to the decision makers & customers who stand to benefit the most by utilizing Arbutus’ revolutionary drill cover system.

Goal-oriented design & function

From identifying & engaging the key decision makers to providing key information to both customers & investors, we delivered a well-crafted, well-engineered and well-storyboarded website to help Arbutus Medical achieve their revenue & investment goals simultaneously.